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How to determine the turnlock length number when the receptacle is mounted on the frame.

Usually the receptacle is mounted underneath the frame,
If you do differently, then please know that the force of the connection will be reduced!

When your application requires to mount the receptacle on the frame, the total thickness T should be calculated otherwise.

total thickness calculation turnlock

 Total thickness T when receptacle on frame

The total thickness T becomes: T = P - R, with:

  • T = total thickness
  • P = plate thickness
  • R = thickness of the receptacle

Note: to be able to mount the receptacle on the frame, there should be a recess made into the panel.


See here an example where T = 36,5mm

this means that HHSTLW-47Z should be taken, and not HHSTLW-37Z

fixed wing head quarter turn calculation turnlock