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Contact engineering when you have very thin panels in the HGR series

Technical question according the HGR series.
Why, in the catalogue, the first length is the number 3 instead of 1?
What is the reason because we have already ordered the length n°1 & n°2 in the past ?

Dash length n°1 and n°2 range from 0,5mm to 2,05mm. For these thin panels we would rather check any request individually with our engineering team because there are cases where the full features of the HGR fastener will not be reached or at least not in all the possible combinations with the many available grommets, receptacles, studs and the tolerances within the customers panels.

As an example the regular spring force might be to strong and cause deformation of the panels if a customer wants to combine two 0,25mm thick panels (this example is the most extreme case of course).

So for these cases an extra short spring cup or a weaker spring solution might be necessary and are possible but this would be a project part out of the standard range.

This is why we decided to start with length number 3 for the regular catalogue parts.

Contact our team when you have very thin panels in the HGR series.